Integration, security, dialogue and reconciliation for conflict resolution in Europe

Integration, security, dialogue and reconciliation for conflict resolution in Europe

The Aleksander Kwaśniewski “Amicus Europae” Foundation

The Aleksander Kwaśniewski “Amicus Europae” Foundation was established in 2004. The overarching mission of the foundation is to promote European integration and support dialogue and reconciliation processes to resolve political and regional conflicts in Europe.

The foundation’s most important goals include:

  • Supporting efforts to build civil society, the rule of law, and strengthen democratic values;

  • Promoting political and constitutional achievements of the Republic of Poland;

  • Promoting the idea of a common Europe and popularizing knowledge about the European Union;

  • Developing cooperation and integration with the eastern neighbors of the European Union, with particular emphasis on Ukraine and Belarus;

  • Support for countries aspiring to membership in European and Euro-Atlantic organizations;

  • Promotion of cooperation with the United States of America, especially in the field of international security and development of the world economy;

  • Integration of national and religious minorities into local communities;

  • Promoting knowledge of the multinational and cultural diversity and history of our country and region;

  • Popularizing the Olympic idea and sports.

The “Amicus Europae” Foundation cooperates with international and national foundations and associations, including the Victor Pinchuk Foundation (VPF), Yalta European Strategy (YES), Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS), Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES), Concordia, Global Empowerment Mission (GEM), “Kuźnica” Association, Foundation for Polish-German Cooperation, Visehrad Insight/Res Publica Nowa, GlobSec, Atlantic Council, in.Europa, and many others.